Monday, May 4, 2009

Atomic Bomb?

Before the end of World War Two, US dropped their newly invented atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Causing major damage to the cities in Japan, also producing a large amount of death and casualties not only people disintegrated, they suffer from radiation and cancer. Here is the question, was dropping the atomic bomb a wise or unwise decision? I believe that this is a complex question, and the possibility is just greater than we can imagine.

Firstly, you can’t lean on either side of the war. There wasn’t enough time for the Japanese to reply what the US said. If the US had giving the Japanese more time, none of this would have happened. Also killing innocents in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is just inhuman, the people in the city have done nothing and they have to suffer the war effect.

In contrast, the USA should have think before the dropped it and ask the Japanese for one last reply, perhaps there could be a better solution than dropping the atomic bomb. They have never thought about the possibilities that could happen, one reason they dropped it was because they wanted to demonstrate the power of the bomb. Not only it was a stupid idea, it was never a great plan in the first place.

In conclusion, I believe that this question cannot be answer under conditions that we do not know. There are just too many possibilities to list before we can drop the bomb. In addition, we should never have invented the bomb in the first place.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Benjamin Button Head Technology

Did you know that old Benjamin's head was all visual effect? You don't? Then you need to see this.

In the making of the Benjamin's head, the visual effect crew solved problems and improved using scientific method.

1. Purpose: How can we make a computer generated head look like a real head?

2. Hypothesis: This is what they came up with, they figured, if they used motion capture, they would get a face of Benjamin.

3. Materials: They gathered historys of visual effect industry, and they used the secret 'stew' they developed, etc. (Too much to write.)

4. Procedures: They basically find out the history of visual effect and search for new ways of making a fake head look real. Then they follow what I worte in the hypothesis, but with extra stuff like testing out the lighting environments, etc.

5. Observation: They tested the fake head and tested to see if this is enough to green light the movie.

6. Analyze: They figured the poly was too low, and they had to make a new hypothesis. But they now know that the more poly count there are, the better the head looks.

7. Conclusion: They sucessfully made a computer generated head with Brad Pitt controlling it on his free will, they basically made a new technology of visual effect industry.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Paul- Protagonist in All Quiet On The Western Front

Paul is basically the narrator of this book, he was not twenty when he enlisted in the army. But his experiences in war quickly becomes older than his age. He is more intelligent than most of his peers, he enjoyed writing poetry. After he enlisted in the army, he realized that it was not that glorious as he had thought of. He soon grow tired of fighting in the war, seeing people dying, but the only thing that made him cling to the side was the friendship that he has with other soldiers. His friends dies through out time, and finally it was his time to go and reunite with his other mates.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Submarine SMASH Day Reflection (Highlight To See It!!!)

1. Summarize --
-- What did we do for SMASH Day? We played various science experiments or fun cooperative activities that requires certain materials to built and test.
-- What was your mission? We had to use a periscope to see what is inside the box
-- What supplies were you given? 10 sheets of paper, cardboard, tape, 4 pieces of mirror

2. Reflect -- Scientists often make a hypothesis, test it, and then change (or modify) their design to make it work.
-- How many times did you have to modify your design?
2 Times before we get to modify
-- How did you know that you should modify your design? Because it was taking way too long to fix our old one
-- How did you know what to do when you modified it? We had a back up plan before we started making the first plan
-- How did your team communicate to decide how to modify your design? We tested the angles of the mirror and agreed on changing it to the simplest design, the fishing rod.

3. Tips and Suggestions
-- If you could give a list of tips and suggestions to someone who is doing this for the first time, what would it be? What would you tell them to help them out? I can tell them that, old fashion periscope won't work in this activity. You are REQUIRED to be creative, thats really how you can do it. You also need to think of many plans before actually start making the product.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Current Event- Japanese Mother Killing Daughter With Poison

Who is it about?
Japanese Mother

What is it about?
Japanese mother putting poison into an iv, killing her own daughter. She has 5 kids, 3 of them died unnaturally.

Where is it?

When is it?

Significance of Article?
People today are not taking morality as serious as possible, they just do what ever they want to.

People aren't always friendly, or it is telling us that if you don't want kids. Don't do stupid things.

Current Event- Monk Break No Killing Rule, Riligious Groups Are Shocked

Who is it about?
Monk and Taiwanese

What is it about?
Two monk came to and one cut wrist and one jumped off the building

Where is it?

When is it?

Significance of Article?
It explains that religious people and non religious people still contains the human nature.

It's a bad thing for Taiwan, because this news allows people around the world to know we killed people in front of the monk's face.

(None of these stand as truth, just opinion. If anyone is offended, I am sorry.)